Welcome to `pdfautonup`'s documentation! ======================================== Render PDF files to a 'n-up' PDF file of a given page size, guessing the layout. This program is similar to `pdfnup `__ or `pdfnup `__ (yes, same name) with the following difference: - ``pdfnup`` is focused on layout: "I want my pdf to appear 'n-upped' on a '2x3' layout". - ``pdfautonup`` is focused on destination paper size: "I want to fit as many pages on a pdf of a given page size". .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 Rationale --------- As a teacher, I often write A5 (or some weirder format) documents, to be printed on A4 paper, copied and given to my students. I was tired of: - having to explicitely specify the destination page and the number of source pages to appear in one destination page (since it can be automatically computed using the source and destination page format); - having to repeat my source file as an argument (when, for example, merging four identical instances of a A6 document to an A4 paper). Indeed, such a command would look like:: pdfnup --no-landscape --nup 2x2 a6.pdf a6.pdf a6.pdf a6.pdf This program ``pdfautonup`` automatically does this: - it computes how many source pages fit into one destination page; - it include source files several times is necessary, not to waste space on the destination file. Using ``pdfautonup``, the following command produces the same result as above:: pdfautonup a6.pdf Examples -------- With the default paper size being A4: - command ``pdfautonup trigo.pdf`` turns :download:`trigo.pdf <../examples/trigo.pdf>` into :download:`trigo-nup.pdf <../examples/trigo-nup.pdf>` - command ``pdfautonup --algorithm panel --gap .5cm --margin 1cm pcb.pdf`` turns :download:`pcb.pdf <../examples/pcb.pdf>` into :download:`pcb-nup.pdf <../examples/pcb-nup.pdf>`. - command ``pdfautonup three-pages.pdf`` turns :download:`three-pages.pdf <../examples/three-pages.pdf>` into :download:`three-pages-nup.pdf <../examples/three-pages-nup.pdf>`. Download and install -------------------- See the `main project page `_ for instructions, and `changelog `_. Usage (command line) -------------------- Here are the command line options for `pdfautonup`. .. argparse:: :module: pdfautonup.options :func: commandline_parser :prog: pdfautonup Usage (library) --------------- Pdfautonup can also be used as a library, with the following function. .. currentmodule:: pdfautonup .. autofunction:: pdfautonup.pdfautonup Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`